




The Caregiver’s Guardian is a Denver Colorado-based consulting service supporting, encouraging, and advocating for the family caregiver.

Founded by Nadine Roberts Cornish in 2009, TCG provides support, education, and essential advocacy for the caregiver of a loved one or chronically ill individual. TCG serves as a sounding board and a support system by coordinating care, identifying resources, and solving problems.

Get Support

We offer “Calling Family Caregivers” - a weekly virtual support group designed for all caregivers.

Our Mission

TCG’s mission is to empower, support and inspire caregivers to thrive as they navigate the opportunities and realities of family caregiving.

TCG Cares

Our Vision Statement

TCG’s vision for today, tomorrow, and future is to be a haven for family caregivers to unload, refocus, harmonize, and strategize to obtain a healthful state of being in their capacity as caregivers.



T - Transformation
Transformation - The secret to fully understanding the caregiving journey is recognizing that the journey is happening for you.
C - Collaboration
Collaboration - working with communities, supporters to create a better caregiver experience
G - Guidance
Guidance - providing information and resources aimed at addressing challenges during the caregiving journey 
C - Compassion
Compassion – offering a caring attitude and expressing empathy for a journey that will forever change one’s life
A - Altruism
Altruism - Driven by the unselfish desire to help caregivers attain optimal quality of life for themselves and their loved ones.
R - Respect
Respect - ensuring that every encounter leave caregivers with their dignity and self-worth intact.
E - Empathy
Empathy - understanding and sensing the emotions, challenges of the caregiving journey.
S - Support
Support - walking the journey with caregivers, because we understand your journey.