

We are now in extraordinary times that call for exceptional measures.

Meeting the needs of caregivers is more important than ever before.

Before the pandemic, there were more than 60 million caregivers.  Since COVID-19, the number has risen substantially. Caregiving is now understood as the extraordinary life experience that will impact each of us, sooner or later. TCG has been inspired to launch the 10*10*30 Campaign: 10 Random Acts of Kindness and 10,000 books to caregivers in 30 days.

November is National Family Caregiver’s Month, and the ideal time to spotlight those who often care for others in silence.  During the pandemic, caregivers have lacked enough resources and support for the incredible job they perform, often without acknowledgment.  At TCG, we are compelled to DO SOMETHING and invite you to join us.   


Most frequent questions and answers
  • Help Spread the Word. Without you, this ambitious undertaking is impossible.
  • Your participation provides the opportunity to “see” and recognize the caregivers within the community and your organization with random acts of kindness and valuable resources.
  • The boost to employee morale will increase productivity and substantially impact your bottom line.  The goodwill your company will experience is immeasurable.

Honoring three who care about caregivers.

  • Allow us to shine a spotlight on your good works, the impact your organization makes every day.  Help spread the word. Join the Campaign and conduct Random Acts of Kindness within your organization and community

Your works are recognized by a campaign specifically designed to highlight the very people you daily support.  You are providing important resources to benefit those you serve and a monetary donation to support your efforts.

  • We are all caregivers, sooner or later.  Help Spread the Word.
  • Participate in Random Acts of Kindness to the caregivers you know
  • Feel the love.  Accept the appreciation.  Take a bow.
  • Be empowered by the resources provided through this Campaign.


Together, we make a positive impact on caregivers and those who care about the caregiver.  Post and share on the #101030cares campaign pages – Let’s turn a campaign into a movement.

Collectively, we all become the “Advocates and Good Will Ambassadors” so needed in these challenging times.



Compassion in my Cup

Details Coming Soon

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Includes shipping & handling

Price Per Book
Number of Books
Total Cost
$1 570
$2 675

Bulk Order – For questions or if the quantity you would like to purchase is not reflected, please email us at [email protected].